
Of All The Things You Took Me For...


These words were given to me by some people who I can call upon when I need the support. Some are friends. Some are family. There is one thing, though, that all of them have said. They say I have lost the spark in my life, that I am turning cold to most of the things in life which should bring me happiness. I don't know why, but they are right. Even though my life is pretty much settled at the moment, steady job, have my own place, which I can run on my own, a girl, good friends, good family, it's all becoming...I don't know, routine maybe? Things aren't getting any easier, yet things aren't getting harder. It's all becoming the same. Work, sleep, work, sleep, work, sleep, work, drink, sleep, that's how my life goes. I just need something different, something to keep me on my toes, whether it would be work wise, or in my personal life, I just need something, or I fear I may become 'stuck' like this for a long time.

P.S Sorry about the lack of posts, routine is knackering me out these days.


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